Ambarukmo Hotel which is one of the heritage buildings in Yogyakarta was established operations in the 1960's era when lane IX served as Minister of Economy.
This hotel was once built with Japan's war reparation funds that are the result of a bilateral agreement between Indonesia and Japan on January 28, 1958 about the spoils of war that passed the House of Representatives on March 13, 1958 and enacted on March 27, 1958.
Japan's war reparation funds were also used to build the Hotel Indonesia in Jakarta, the Ocean Beach Hotel in Port Ratu beach, Bali Beach Hotel in Sanur Bali, Sarinah department store building in Jakarta, Jakarta Cloverleaf interchanges, main stadium Bung Karno Stadium in Senayan Jakarta , Jatiluhur dam in West Java, the MPR / DPR in Jakarta, Monas in Jakarta, the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, and several others.
According to the plan, which Ambarukmo Houses built during the lane V (1823-1855) and completed in the lane VII (1877-1921), will also be revitalized and operated again as a wedding and reception hall.

The charm that stands out from the rock reefs Siung is. Coral reefs are huge on the west and east coast has an important role, not to add the beauty and the border to the other beaches. Corals were also the basis of naming the beach, witness the triumph of the coastal areas in the past and the charm that makes this beach is increasingly recognized, at least in Asia.
Coral reefs are the basis of naming this beach is located slightly protrudes into the sea. Taken from the name of the beach rock formation which Wastoyo, a local elder, like ape or Siung Vanara. Until now, this rock can still enjoy its beauty, combined with large waves that sometimes reaches it, until cracks laced by seawater that flows slowly, presents a dramatic scene.
Tartar monkeys are still resistant to scour the ocean waves to witness the triumph of the region participated in the past cloves. According to the story Wastoyo, Siung region during the trustees to be one of the trade center in the South Mountain area. Not far from the beach, in Winangun area, there is a market. In this place also, dwells Nyai Kami and Nyai Podi, courtiers wife of Yogyakarta and Surakarta
Prof. Dr. M. Suyanto, MM, educators as well as a true entrepreneur. In
many ways, the founder and Chairman of the School of Information
Management (STMIK) Amikom Yogyakarta, instead prefers to identify
himself as an entrepreneur. For him, no matter how good a product is, if it can not be sold, likely in vain.Therefore, STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta which was founded in 1984, since the beginning teach students business. Students are taught e-commerce and e-bussinnes. Suyanto plunge teaching.As a teacher of informatics management, as well as printing entrepreneur, Suyanto meet all qualifications. Men born in Madison, February 20, 1960, the start from the bottom. He was born of poor families. Since childhood he followed his grandmother, in order to attend school. When
a high school with a heavy heart, he was forced to part with his
beloved grandmother, followed his uncle to meet the desires
Suroloyo peak in the mountain range and the notch is the highest hill is 1091 m above sea level. Being in keceme, Gerbosari village, Samigaluh district, 45 km from Yogyakarta. Right on the border between the yogyakarta central java. One foot is one foot while the region of Yogyakarta, can we pijakkan to sub Borobudur, Central Java.
the top we can see the peak Suroloyo of Borobudur and volcanos are side
by side with the mountains as well as the mountain cleft merbabu is
coupled with Sindoro. If you are lucky of this peak can also enjoy the sunset or sunrise was beautiful.Suroloyo
peaks can not be separated from the myth that the place was formerly a
place of Sultan Agung bertapanya Hanyokrokusumo, dimna he received DI
will rule the land of Java. Therefore, this peak is referred to as the Qibla Pancering Earth (the center of the four corners) Java land. Even
in the ancient Hindu
Area attractions Kedung Ombo is located in the village of Creep, District Geyer, Grobogan district approximately 29 km towards the south of the city Purwodadi. The reservoir is one of the largest dam ever built by the government. Reservoir which was built around 1980, and was completed in 1991.
Location Kedung Ombo is not only located in the District Grobogan, but a boundary between the District. Sragen and Kab. Boyolali. The reservoir was built at the confluence of the River Attack uter and are located right in Hamlet Kedungombo Ngrambat Village, District Geyer, Grobogan district.