Feb 23, 2013

Suroloyo Peak

Suroloyo peak in the mountain range and the notch is the highest hill is 1091 m above sea level. Being in keceme, Gerbosari village, Samigaluh district, 45 km from Yogyakarta. Right on the border between the yogyakarta central java. One foot is one foot while the region of Yogyakarta, can we pijakkan to sub Borobudur, Central Java.

From the top we can see the peak Suroloyo of Borobudur and volcanos are side by side with the mountains as well as the mountain cleft merbabu is coupled with Sindoro. If you are lucky of this peak can also enjoy the sunset or sunrise was beautiful.Suroloyo peaks can not be separated from the myth that the place was formerly a place of Sultan Agung bertapanya Hanyokrokusumo, dimna he received DI will rule the land of Java. Therefore, this peak is referred to as the Qibla Pancering Earth (the center of the four corners) Java land. Even in the ancient Hindu
believe that heaven lies or where the gods are peak mountain peaks of the Himalayas which is suroloyotertinggi in the world, to describe the dwelling place of the gods of Hindu priests Suroloyo peak ground using Java as the heavenly display.Suroloyo peak is now clean up with a few additional facilities which make the visitors comfortable. The current facility is one form of lighting with solar energy that can illuminate Suroloyo peak, because this place especially on the eve of a sacred much frequented by visitors. Then the availability of the flare tower memeperindah Suroloyo peak, because at this beacon tower mounted lamps with high wattage and can rotate 360 ​​° so that it can be seen from a distance. Similarly, the peak suroloyojuga lighting along the road up to the top Suroloyo already well integrated so that visitors who want to enjoy the sunrise usually come at midnight or early morning or sunset seekers time they would have to leave this place in dark conditions, it is that drives the Department of Tourism Kulon Progo set lighting at the top of this Suroloyo.

Currently there is also a new vehicle that you can enjoy when visiting the Peak Suroloyo, ie something that can give us a challenge and adrenaline are the Flying Fox which western side of the peak Suroloyo. Flying fox was crossing between the cliff and the abyss. In place flying fox is clearly visible peak Suroloyo very beautiful and also a view toward Samigaluh. For road infrastructure has been widened some point, this smooth and safety for visitors who want to travel in peak Suroloyo this.To go to the Peak Suroloyo public transport is not available, our sunrise, peak suroloyomesti must carry or use a vehicle to the summit Suroloyo pribadi.untuk miraculous things need to be considered as a very tough field in the form of sharp turns and steep inclines, and some streets are still narrow requires a fit condition of the vehicle and driver that is reliable and controlled field right path left a deep ravine. The route can be traveled: from Yogyakarta towards jl. Godean-Kenteng-Nanggulan-Kalibawang-Suroloyo or from the Magelang-Muntilan-jl.wates-Kalibawang-Suroloyo. Or are you intending to try tracking you can use an Borobudur and through the trail. To support in the form of tourist stalls are minimal only a few small stalls serving coffee or tea as well as food spurious.

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