Feb 12, 2013

Javanese Dance [Central Java]

 Central Java, a province located in Indonesia. Here there are many different kinds of art. One is dancing, in Central Java, there are many different types of dances. Every city in here have a typical dance. I will introduce a few dances from central Java which has a unique charm. Okay let's start from the name of the dance that has the name of an animal:
- Kuda Lumping dance
This dance originated from the region of Central Java. This dance uses a mock horse and a whip. Usually the dancers use "krincingan" on their toes in order to produce the sound of a bell. Costumes of the dancers also symbolizes the culture central java. This dance usually perform physical immunity of the dancers. For example, by stepping on hot coals, eating broken glass, and eating chickens alive. All abilities were obtained from the spirits of their ancestors into the dancer's body.

- Peacock dance
Peacock Dance is one of the popular and unique dances of Central Java. This dance is a dance that symbolizes the peacock bird movements. The dancers use a scarf tied waist, where the shawls were spread out like the wings of birds. Besides the dancers also wear a crown shaped peacock bird's head. Most dancers of this dance is a woman.

- Swan dance
Goose dance describes the majesty of the goddess, accompanied by a group of geese. In this dance there is a combination of Eastern and Western cultures. The bias swan dance was performed by female dancers 7 people (one person acts as the Goddess dancers, six dancers as the swans).

Next is a dance that has meaning as a sign of social interaction and community. Dances are:
- Gambyong Dance
Dance Gambyong This is one type of social dances in the community. Usually begins with the piece pickaxe. Looks beautiful and elegant dance when the dancers are able to align with the rhythm of drum motion. In the play the drums that accompany dance Gambyong is not easy. Pengendang identical with the flexibility to be able to dance and be able to chime in with the rhythm of the piece. So no wonder, there is often a dancer Gambyong not be separated by pengendang who always accompanied him.
This dance is usually performed by men and women and tells the story of a close association in the community and help each other.

- Bondan Payung Dance 
This dance originated from Surakarta. In bondan payung dance depicts a young woman who was holding a stuffed toy and an open umbrella, dancing carefully stepped on the pitcher and should not be broken. In other words, this dance symbolizes a mother who keep their children carefully.

- Srimpi Dance
Serimpi dance is a dance danced by 4 women. Where each gets the title: water, fire, wind and earth / ground. Besides dance also symbolizes the creation of man and symbolizes the four directions of the compass. Being a role name Batak, Gulu, Dhada and Buncit. Position rectangle that represents the verandah pole. Dance Srimpi nothing holy or sacred is Srimpi Anglir Cloudy. 

 That is some traditional dances in Central Java. may be useful to you and add your insights. :)

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